
Ethics, History, Games: A Reading (and Playing) List

Games have often lacked nuance, dealing in heavy-handed constructions of black and white morality, heroes and villains. Even when they depict (or try to portray) anti-heroes and good-bad people, it’s rare to find a game that does so unproblematically. The often-triumphalist, teleological narratives and gameplay orientation of many games means that nuanced engagement with ethical […]


Time Loops and Ethics in the Total War Series

From Robert A. Heinlein’s short story ‘–All You Zombies–’ (1959) to films such as Groundhog Day (1993) and Tenet (2020), the literary and audio-visual arts have nurtured and popularised the ethical quandaries that arise when humans alter the fabric of time. Such experiments, though, rarely feature in historical fictions. If they do, the focus is […]


The Ethics of Representation at Play – Part 2

In my post last week, I discussed the role of ethics in historical representation. I argued that, as a narrative pursuit, all history involves subjective decision making. Decisions, some of which, will inevitably be made in alignment with our own ethical criteria and the ideological biases they are entangled with. But how does this relate […]


The Ethics of Representation at Play – Part 1

By Adam Chapman Ethical practice is important to historians. From the earliest days of our history education we are told of the care with which we must treat evidence – that it is our duty to those in the past to ensure we don’t purposely or selectively misrepresent the traces that they leave us. Similarly, […]


HGN Ethics Theme Event

As promised in last week’s update, we are now firmly in the terrain of Ethics and Historical Games. You may have seen our call for contributions for the theme, which focuses on the difficult questions developers must face when making games about the past, and the difficult questions players must encounter when playing them. These […]

Historical Truth

Recording: HGN Panel on “Historical Truth” (May 2021)

Our first HGN event, for our Historical Truth theme, took place on 26 May. It was very successful, our speakers were great and the audience provided some great questions and engagement. You can find the video below. This event officially marked the end of our first HGN theme, and so we now move into the […]

Historical Truth Themes

Creative Licence vs Historical Authority

How can creatives make history entertaining and accurate? Although we are seeing green shoots pointing to normality, the comforting duh duhnn sound of the Netflix app still offers welcome escape. Recently I was drawn to The King, directed by David Mechod and starring the wonderful Timothee Chalamet. The King tells the story of the lusty […]

Historical Truth

Predictably Unpredictable: On the Interplay of Gameplay and Conjecture

At the risk of stating the obvious and revisiting an often-addressed point of interest in historical game studies: game design and gameplay both problematize and upend history. By most definitions of agency and gameplay, surrendering any amount of control to the player is, well, the whole point. The results of playing, then, are degrees of […]

Historical Truth

Can Video Games Tell Historical Truths?

Our take in our Lovecraft + Aztecs title – Javier Rayón Javier Rayón is the writer and director of Dream of Darkness, a Lovecraft+Aztecs video game for PC. With his startup he tells the real mysteries of history, starting with his hometown of the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán, current Mexico City. Humanity is at a […]

General Historical Truth

Blog-Post-Modernism and Games of Historical Truth

In 2014, while working as a postdoctoral fellow at the LiNCS research centre at the University of Gothenburg, I was given the opportunity to design a course as part of the centre’s fantastic DSES (Doctoral School in Educational Sciences) program.  These courses invited PhD students from universities all over the world to come to Sweden […]